Voorbereiding voor een nieuwe financieringsronde
Je hebt funding nodig voor je startup om je prototype verder te ontwikkelen, met de productie te beginnen of marketingactiviteiten te starten. Je zoekt mogelijke financieringsbronnen, maar is je startup Investor Ready?
Investor Readiness betekent begrijpen welke belangrijkste punten die investeerders willen weten over jouw business zodat ze kunnen beslissen of ze in je bedrijf willen investeren. Om de kansen voor een financieringsronde te verhogen moet je de criteria van de investeerders goed begrijpen. Investeerders gebruiken deze criteria om je business te beoordelen. Het is belangrijk om je business vanuit hun standpunt te presenteren en je...
Industry 4.0, the fourth revolution, calls for further digitization of factories by enriching the real world with digital information. Trends and technologies play a role to reshape the way manufacturing is organized and value is created. We see these trends and emergence of technologies:
advanced computing and connectivity, cloud computing, big data, and increase in real-time data
data analytics leading to increased business intelligence
the internet of things, the ubiquitous connection of people, things, and machines
cyber-physical systems that integrate the dynamics of the physical processes with those of the software and networking, exchange data with another, access web services, and...
7558 Hits
OEMs are important because they create a lot of value to the economy and society. It all starts with an idea on how to make a product with a technology, but what is also needed is an environment that supports the creation and development of new OEMs.
There is no shortage of valuable ideas and technologies from universities, research institutions and R&D departments of companies. Such organizations can actively look at possible spin-offs, but this process must happen carefully. They need to select the ideas on the basis of their potential to be commercialized and to create opportunities for an OEM....