15 December 2015

Successful Investor Readiness Training and Follow-up session

The Investor Readiness Training for Medtech startups at Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus is successfully completed.

IMG 4906After the training Nico Stam, CBO of the campus, gave this feedback: "It was great to see how well the course was received and it clearly filled a need. From a campus perspective, we are very pleased with both the content and the professional way the course was organised."

The follow-up session of the Investor Readiness Training took place on 15 December at the Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus. Medtech startups gave presentations of their businesses and received feedback from a panel of experts. The presentations were well prepared and the startups were able to explain the potential their business in a convincing way. The session enabled and stimulated cross-learning among startups. It has been an inspiring session.

Special thanks to Erik van den Berg, CEO of AM-Pharma and Jeroen Tonnaer, CBO of Cristal Therapeutics for their contribution as panel members and for providing valuable feedback to the startups.

The Investor Readiness Training and the follow-up session were provided and organized by Newness and Allianta.


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